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- object fTesting: TfTesting
- Left = 306
- Top = 120
- BorderIcons = [biSystemMenu]
- BorderStyle = bsDialog
- Caption = 'Michael'#39's Disk Benchmark'
- ClientHeight = 303
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- OnCreate = FormCreate
- PixelsPerInch = 120
- TextHeight = 16
- object Label1: TLabel
- Left = 16
- Top = 16
- Width = 441
- Height = 41
- Alignment = taCenter
- AutoSize = False
- Caption = 'Benchmarking Results'
- Font.Color = clWindowText
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- Font.Style = [fsBold]
- ParentFont = False
- end
- object Label2: TLabel
- Left = 194
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- Height = 24
- Alignment = taCenter
- AutoSize = False
- Caption = 'Cached'
- end
- object Label3: TLabel
- Left = 16
- Top = 136
- Width = 169
- Height = 25
- AutoSize = False
- Caption = 'Sequential Write:'
- end
- object Label4: TLabel
- Left = 16
- Top = 161
- Width = 169
- Height = 24
- AutoSize = False
- Caption = 'Sequential Read:'
- end
- object Label5: TLabel
- Left = 16
- Top = 184
- Width = 169
- Height = 25
- AutoSize = False
- Caption = 'Random Write:'
- end
- object Label6: TLabel
- Left = 16
- Top = 209
- Width = 169
- Height = 24
- AutoSize = False
- Caption = 'Random Read:'
- end
- object Label7: TLabel
- Left = 332
- Top = 113
- Width = 119
- Height = 24
- Alignment = taCenter
- AutoSize = False
- Caption = 'Non-Cached'
- end
- object Label8: TLabel
- Left = 193
- Top = 136
- Width = 128
- Height = 25
- Alignment = taCenter
- AutoSize = False
- Caption = 'N/A'
- end
- object Label9: TLabel
- Left = 193
- Top = 161
- Width = 128
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- Caption = 'N/A'
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- object Label10: TLabel
- Left = 193
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- Caption = 'N/A'
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- object Label11: TLabel
- Left = 193
- Top = 209
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- AutoSize = False
- Caption = 'N/A'
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- object Label12: TLabel
- Left = 328
- Top = 136
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- AutoSize = False
- Caption = 'N/A'
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- object Label13: TLabel
- Left = 328
- Top = 161
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- AutoSize = False
- Caption = 'N/A'
- end
- object Label14: TLabel
- Left = 328
- Top = 184
- Width = 129
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- Caption = 'N/A'
- end
- object Label15: TLabel
- Left = 328
- Top = 209
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- AutoSize = False
- Caption = 'N/A'
- end
- object Label16: TLabel
- Left = 9
- Top = 57
- Width = 448
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- Alignment = taCenter
- AutoSize = False
- Caption = 'Drive C: - 32MB Test-File'
- end
- object Label17: TLabel
- Left = 9
- Top = 81
- Width = 448
- Height = 24
- Alignment = taCenter
- AutoSize = False
- Caption = 'Test-data: Zeroes'
- end
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- Left = 16
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- TabOrder = 0
- end
- object Button1: TButton
- Left = 345
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- Hint = 'Closes this window.'
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- Caption = 'Close'
- Default = True
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- TabOrder = 1
- OnClick = Button1Click
- end
- object Button2: TButton
- Left = 16
- Top = 256
- Width = 113
- Height = 33
- Hint = 'Save the test results to a text-file.'
- Caption = '&Save'
- ParentShowHint = False
- ShowHint = True
- TabOrder = 2
- OnClick = Button2Click
- end
- object Button3: TButton
- Left = 136
- Top = 256
- Width = 113
- Height = 33
- Hint = 'Print the test results on the default printer.'
- Caption = '&Print'
- ParentShowHint = False
- ShowHint = True
- TabOrder = 3
- OnClick = Button3Click
- end
- object SaveDialog1: TSaveDialog
- DefaultExt = 'txt'
- FileEditStyle = fsEdit
- Filter = 'All Files|*.*'
- Options = [ofOverwritePrompt, ofHideReadOnly, ofPathMustExist, ofNoReadOnlyReturn]
- Title = 'Michael'#39's Disk Benchmark for Windows 95 - Save Results'
- end
- end